The 100 - Kass Morgan

She seemed like a very cheerful and respectable person with a great personality. She had also signed a copy of her second book for me as well, which I am excited to start reading soon.
I am really into dystopians and this book hit the spot. What was left of the human race had escaped earth to live on a space station due to a nuclear apocalypse that had occurred hundreds of years ago. Now that the station is dying, 100 prisoners were sent to the planet to determined if it was livable. It was easy to read and easy to follow. Kass Morgan really put a lot of thought into her characters, and thought into the idea of surviving on a space station as a long term solution. The story and world that she created seemed very feasible for such an event. It ends in a cliff hanger that makes me want to read the next book in her series.
I had been watching the tv show before I read the book, and in my personal opinion I would rather read the book. I would in fact recommend the book over the tv show by far. There is so many differences between the book and tv characters, especially Bellamy and Wells. I gave this book five stars on good reads and consider this book a good read.
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