UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale) - Chanda Hahn
Unenchanted was and interesting book. I picked it up at the local library mostly for the look of its cover. I was looking for a smaller book, kind of a light read. The story line is put together well, however it is a tad juvenile. It's about a girl who finds out that her family is cursed to relive fairy tales. Often finding that they are killed during them and the only way to break the curse is to live through them all. The idea was really good, but i got tired of listening to prattling from teenage girls in the book. It also dragged in a bit. If it were a longer book than it was, I probably would have been more annoyed. Other than that, I found that it was a decent to read. Something that I did not have to put much time into reading. I gave it 3 stars on good reads. No offence, it was just not my kind of book, and it needed a little more to the story. The finishing climax of the book was so quick, it left me unsatisfied with how it ended. Not sure if I'm going to continue with this series.
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