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Defy was a book written by Sara B. Larson. I was browsing the local library one sunny afternoon and came across this book. I picked this book up and had a hard time putting down. It has a simple cover, green with a dagger, yet the elegance of the vibrant Colour is what caught my eye. I checked it out and took it home. Not really expecting what was inside, I found that it was packed with an exciting adventure. The main character Alexa, or "Alex" as she is referred to most of the time in the book because she hides her gender for good reasons to protect herself, was a wonderful, strong character. Fighting to over come a corrupt kingdom, and meeting a few surprising friends along the way. It is set in a medieval area with kings and guards and sorcerers.  However, I do not feel that I should give out any major spoilers. I really enjoyed this book and the plot sure comes with a lot of twists and turns along the way. I was very impressed with the progression of the story. It did not seem to drag or linger on a topic too often. I did not feel bored at all with this read. I was impressed with the story line and I am looking forward to reading the next book "Ignite." Yes this book is a light read, but well worth the time. 
My personal opinion on this book is good. It deserves a five star rating. I enjoyed it and would recommend reading this. I am intending on purchasing it to add to my collection as well as reading and reviewing Ignite.


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